Make a difference - volunteer today!
Make a difference - volunteer today!
Den leader? Merit badge counselor? Eagle Scout Board of Review? --- yes, you can help!
#1 Ask how you can volunteer with Pack and Troop 395 - complete this 4 question interest survey today!
Thank you for your commitment to our youth!
The following steps are provided for those adults that wish to complete the full registration and training process.
#2 Create a Scouting online account
#3 Complete Scouting Youth Protection Training
#4 Complete adult leader position-Specific Training
Cub Scouts -or- Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts)
#5 a) California Mandated Report training
b) Livescan Background Check
#6 Register as an Adult volunteer - Download and Complete this PDF application
Is your business or organization interested in volunteering with the scouting program?
Is your business or organization interested in volunteering with the scouting program?